Stevie Says Social Podcast

Balancing Kids & Business: How I Am Navigating This "Full" Season of Life



Babies, toddlers, business, oh my!I’ve always said that running a business is the biggest lesson in personal development that you could ever undertake… but throw a 2-year old, a 4-month old, 100 clients and a founder with BIG dreams and high expectations of yourself, and you’ve got yourself a right ‘ol recipe for... well, a good time, actually!Betcha didn’t expect me to say that, did you? Because the RHETORIC is that is kids and business is HARD... and sure, I wouldn’t call it a walk in the park.But also? I’ve CHOSEN this, and I literally wouldn’t have it any other way.In today’s podcast episode, I want to share with you my unique perspective on navigating this “early childhood” phase of business and life, and how I “manage it all”... or more accurately, how I DON’T (and how I’m completely okay with that).How it’s wildly beautiful and how ADJUSTING my expectations down has actually been the catalyst for a sense of happiness and calm in this season that I didn’t think was possible for this little high achiever