Stevie Says Social Podcast

The Seven Deadly Online Course Sins "Successful" Course Creators Make



You'd think that hitting $100k, or $500k, or $1 million in online sales would mean you've MADE it, right? I mean, all of your revenue goals have come true! You're awesome! You did it! Everything is PERFECT!Only... so often, that ISN'T actually the case. In fact, experiencing that "first taste" of success is often a dangerous place to be in. It's very easy at this point in your online course business to fall into the "trappings" of success, and commit one of what we like to call the "Seven Deadly Experienced Online Course Creator Sins". I know, because I've been there myself. In today's podcast episode, we'll be covering the Seven Deadly Experience Course Creator Sins, why they are so common, and why I personally feel so passionately about helping others avoid them. So much so, that SOLVING these problems is going to be a 'central pillar' in our business rebrand!Here’s the seven deadly ‘online business sins’ newly minted course cre