

To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Surrender is a fundamental concept in the journey of recovery from addiction, signifying a willingness to relinquish control and accept the reality of one's powerlessness over substances or other’s behaviors. It marks a pivotal moment of recognition, where individuals come to terms with the fact that their attempts to manage or control their addiction have been futile. Surrender does not signify weakness but rather strength, as it requires individuals to confront their vulnerabilities and humbly acknowledge their need for help. By surrendering to reality, individuals open themselves up to the possibility of healing and transformation, paving the way for a new way of living free from the grips of substance abuse.   Tonight, we talk about Surrender   This week,  Jinifer, Rebekah, Bryan, Dana, Tonja, Jean They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Chris They used the donation button found o