Father Simon Says

Good Friday - March 29, 2024



Bible Study: (2:25) Psalm 136: Jesus doesn't finish the Last Supper; why?  Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9 The one day the Father says no to Jesus Letters (20:02) - Where do the stations come from?  (26:56) - Should I go to my friend's Easter service at a Baptist Church?  Word of the Day: Eye-Witness (33:59) Callers  (38:17) - Judas and Purgatory, if there was anyone who saw Judas hang herself and if not, could he have asked God to forgive him? (41:02) - Why on Palm Sunday, they read the passion? (43:47) - Luke 2356:20 - : 31, could you interpret that verse for me about wood being green and dry? (45:37) - About confession;  Why as Catholics, we need to go to confession, to be forgiven of our sins, when God shed his blood for us?