Critical Conversations

#056: Unmasking the Illusion of Wellness: How Social Media Sabotages Authentic Health Journeys



In an era where social media platforms act as a gateway to a world of wellness, we're inundated with a plethora of health advice, recipes, and lifestyle hacks, but what consequences does this influx of readily available information have on our individual health journeys? This podcast uncovers unexpected truths about the way social media impacts our health and wellness, revealing an often-oversimplified and misguided landscape that could be leading us further from our goals rather than towards them. Tune into the full episode to dive deeper into these riveting discussions on unintended consequences and the need for a reevaluation of social media's role in our health journey. Schedule a Free 15-Minute Consultation: We're here to support you on your wellness journey! If you haven’t already – here’s how you can support us in three easy steps: SUBSCRIBE to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or whichever app you’re listening on. SIGN UP for our weekly e-mail newsletter.