Just Joshing Podcast

Episode 1051: Just Joshing Episode 1051: Maria Espindola



#Poets #Podcasts #InterviewsMaria Espindola is a finalist for the Poetry in Voice contest in Canada in 2023. I got a chance to talk to her about poetry and more. Sometimes it's okay to not know all the answers and that's what a lot of this conversation is all about. Maria is about to enter college and find herself. We talk about that, her voice in poetry and more. Maria EspindolaInstagramSponsorsDreamlands: Worldwakers - What is real? What can be made real? It’s all at the other side of the story.Embark on an epic journey with DREAMLANDS: WorldWalkers! Immerse yourself in a world where reality and fantasy intertwine. Follow the legendary Dragon warrior, TiqToqTa , as he carves his way through conquest and deceit.Crafted by Stelios Pliatsikas and Thanos Kyratzis, this 96-pages action-packed dark fantasy graphic novel is the third part of the DREAMLANDS saga. Perfect for fans of God of War, Berserk, and the Sandman, DREAMLANDS: WorldWalkers is here to take you away.Support DREAMLANDS on Kickstarter until April