Cotr Palmer Podcast

[Wasilla] Don't Call It a Comeback |2| "From Mess Up to Re-Up" :: Paul Sliwa



Have you ever messed up before... I mean like really messed up? Sure you have. We all at some point in life have made a mess or mistake that we regret. Whether you did something in a relationship you shouldn't have, said something that caused a mess, or a bad habit you've picked up that is damaging to yourself and others, we ALL have made mistakes. Peter was no exception. Even though he lived closely with Jesus for three years, we see him still making major messes. Through the life of Peter, we see that God is not only willing but EAGER to redeem our messes, and that even our past mistakes don't prevent God from using us in the future. The heartbeat of Church on the Rock is to help people discover how they can LOVE God and LOVE one another, LIVE with passion, purpose and freedom, and LEAD others to this same experience in Jesus. We simply say, “helping others Love, Live, and Lead in Jesus". Let's Connect here: Learn more about us at https://churchak.o