Views On Vue

VoV 055: Progressive Web Apps with Aaron Gustafson LIVE at Microsoft Ignite



Sponsors: NetlifySentry use the code “devchat” for 2 months free on Sentry small planCacheFly Host: Charles Max Wood Special Guest: Aaron Gustafson Episode Summary  This episode of Views on Vue comes to you live from Microsoft Ignite. Charles Max Wood talks to Aaron Gustafson who has been a Web Developer for more than 20 years and is also the Editor in Chief at “A List Apart”. Aaron gives a brief background on his work in the web community, explains to listeners how web standardization has evolved over time, where Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) come from, where and how can they be installed, differences between them and regular websites and their advantages. They then delve into more technical details about service workers, factors affecting the boot up time of JavaScript apps, best practices and features that are available with PWAs. Aaron mentions some resources people can use to learn about PWAs, talks about how every website can benefit from being a PWA, new features being introduced and the PWA vs Ele