Views On Vue

VoV 057: The Vue School with Rolf Haug



Sponsors NetlifySentry use the code “devchat” for 2 months free on Sentry small plan Triplebyte $1000 signing bonus for listeners Panel Chris Fritz Joined by special guest: Rolf Haug Episode Summary Special guest Rolf Haug is one of the founding members of Vue School, an online teaching platform for VueJS that teaches through video. Rolf talks about his inspiration for starting the company. He has lots of experience creating businesses and web development, a passion for lifelong learning, and a drive to pass his knowledge on to others. The Vue school has been going for about 2 years. It follows the example of open source by collecting outside ideas to improve their product. Rolf talks about his history and interest in programming, and he and Chris discuss the importance of having passion in your field. Chris asks how passion is ignited in the Vue School and how do you explain something complex to students. Rolf follows the model “Explain it to me like I’m five” by explain technical