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VoV 073: Contributing to Open Source with Debbie O'Brien



Sponsors NetlifySentry– use the code “devchat” for two months free on Sentry’s small plan CacheFly Panel Ben Hong Ari Clark Joined by Special Guest: Debbie O'Brien Summary Debbie O’Brien shares her journey becoming a programmer and how she got into Vue and contributing to open source projects. The panel talks about contributing to open source and how to get started contributing. Debbie discusses her background in education and her work with Vue school and ultimate courses. The panel discusses the misconceptions about open source maintainers and speakers and how they are just people. Debbie shares experiences give Nuxt talks and the panel gives tips to Ari for her upcoming talk.  Links O'Brien - Getting started with nuxt.js + static sites - vueday 2019Leave your legacy code behind and go Nuxt - Debbie O'Brien - Vue Day 2019