Views On Vue

Exploring the Role of a Full Stack Developer and Open-Source Contribution - VUE 225



Jakub Andrzejewski is a Senior Developer and dev Advocate at Vue Storefront. They dive into the world of Vue.js and explore the latest developments in its ecosystem. They discuss the use of hooks and composable for code reusability, the challenges faced during the rewrite of the Storefront UI library, and the importance of performance and accessibility in app development. Sponsors Chuck's Resume TemplateDeveloper Book Club Become a Top 1% Dev with a Top End Devs MembershipLinksPerformance and Nuxt with Jakub Andrzejewski - VUE 211Web Testing And Automations With Playwright - VUE 206Vue StorefrontSocialsJakub AndrzejewskiGitHub: Jakub AndrzejewskiTwitter: @jacobandrewskyPicksCody - NSSpain XICody - Stanford CS193p - Developing Apps for iOSJakub - Software Architecture Series' ArticlesJakub - Nuxt Nation ConferenceSteve - How far can you jump from a swing?Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: