Franchise Interviews

Franchisee of the Year for Re-Bath, Jeff Oslund Meets with Franchise Interviews



We are meeting with Jeff Oslund, a Re-Bath multi-unit franchisee who operates in Detroit, Traverse City, Michigan, and Toledo, Ohio. With 30 years of experience in the industry, he has accumulated several valuable tips for successfully growing a business. Despite his long tenure, Jeff remains innovative and continues to excel within the system, as evidenced by his receipt of the Franchisee of the Year Award at this year’s annual conference. Joining the Re-Bath franchise in its early stages, he has navigated through various industry and economic changes. Throughout his journey, Jeff has consistently supported his employees, weathered challenges, and embraced new opportunities. During our podcast, Jeff will cover the following topics: Identifying the right time to expand Gaining insights into the industry Hiring the right personnel Demonstrating adaptability In Part Two, we play a clip form our popular Great Quotes in Franchising podcast.