Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 307: Case Studies From the Purple Patch Squad – A Conversation With Mike Kane



This week on the Purple Patch Podcast, Ironman Master Coach Matt Dixon discusses high performance with Purple Patch athlete Mike Kane. Mike is the Chief Manufacturing Officer at Framebridge, a framing company based in New Jersey. He has been training with Matt as a Purple Patch athlete for a couple of years. Mike is the epitome of a time-starved athlete. He's a busy senior executive who travels a ton while trying to integrate sport into life by competing in athletic events such as marathons and Ironman competitions. In this episode, Matt and Mike detail the challenges and struggles they faced while attempting to decode Mike’s athletic success in his first year with Purple Patch. However, they explain the shift in perspective that eventually transformed his performance. By chasing a platform of health rather than fitness, Mike was able to unlock dramatic results. He saw significant improvements in his body composition, energy levels, training efficiency, fitness, and overall sense of control.   Instead of sole