Talk, Tales And Trivia

Towers - Dystopian Stories Series



Towers -  What is electromagnetic frequency radiation? It isn't good, that's for sure. I believe it is a plot that will undoubtedly cause the population to get sick and ultimately die. Through those unassuming cell towers, there is a hidden agenda. Armed with a note given to me anonymously I am on the case to find the truth out and tell the world about EMF radiation living right near our homes, neighborhoods, schools, churches, and all the places we frequent and you will love how it turns out!  Read more about it:  **I hope you find these audio episodes interesting and I encourage listeners to do some deep-dive research and go down rabbit holes on the stories told in these episodes. The "real truth" is there. **All in story form, these episodes all have truth behind them but please note that I took certain liberties with the names, people, places, and events in these stories. Cheers, Stephanie Le