Talk, Tales And Trivia

Web Renegades - Dystopian Stories Series



Web Renegades -  What happens when you go shopping online? Hopefully, you have a good experience. It can be fun and exciting waiting for those purchases.  What if you shopped on a website that had fantastic and inexpensive deals but you found out that the shopping site was using you to get information about you? It's called malware... malicious software. Stealing your contacts list, getting credit card information, seeing your GPS location, getting your social security number, knowing what you've purchased, changing the settings on your phone, and going into any app you have on your phone to get even more intel on you. Sounds creepy because it is. Yes. Beware. You never know what is going on behind the scenes of certain websites. This case is about one shopping site in particular... temu. It's complicated but in the end, we detectives and "web renegades" get those nefarious bad actors locked up for their crimes against the global population.  PLEASE! Don't go to the Temu website and don't downlo