Talk, Tales And Trivia

Totality - Dystopian Stories Series



Totality - On April 8th, 2024 we have a spectacular event happening in the United States. A solar eclipse will be the main show on that special day. We haven't seen a totality solar eclipse since 2017 so perhaps some haven't experienced this glorious event of the moon aligning with the earth and the sun creating a spectacular show.  But it is the globalist agenda that wants to instill fear into this special day by giving us warnings of the "impending" doom and gloom. And the globalists want you to know what to expect. So, of course, there is a checklist.  We, detectives, get down to some serious truth-seeking to find the evidence about their agenda by doing some real damage to less fortunate inhabitants on Earth.  These demonic cowards were found to stop joy and laughter and in the meantime depopulate some "unnecessary" citizens of this wonderful Earth.  And if we detectives have it right, it doesn't stop with the solar eclipse. Remember their motto: "Never let a crisis go to waste".   Question Every