The Freelancers' Show

TFS 355: Other Ways to Show Up in Google with Fernando Angulo



Fernando Angulo joins the Freelancers' Show panel to help the understand how and why to build content that will show up as answers to questions and other results in Google beyond the results listed in Google on a search. Panelists Brooks Forsyth Brad Large Charles Max Wood Guest Fernando Angulo Sponsors Cloudways Use Promo code "Devchat" for 30% off for 3 months on all plans Sentry Use code "devchat" for $100 credit CacheFly ____________________________________________________________ "The MaxCoders Guide to Finding Your Dream Developer Job" by Charles Max Wood is now available on Amazon. Get Your Copy Today! ____________________________________________________________ Links Fernando Angulo - SEMRush - "Content for people and for Google" - GCEFlesch-Kincaid readabilityYoast Picks Brooks Forsyth: True Lemon Pack Brad Large: Obviously AwesomePia Silva Charles Max Wood: The Name of the Wind Fernando Angulo: Getting Things Done