Policing Matters

How peer support and police chaplains build wellness in law enforcement



In a profession as demanding as law enforcement, mental wellness and health are paramount, yet often sidelined. Addressing this critical aspect, the latest episode of the Policing Matters podcast delves into the innovative approaches and best practices for fostering mental health and wellness among officers. Chief Dave Norris of the Menlo Park (Calif.) Police Department and Chaplain Jared Altic from the Kansas City (Kan.) Police Department join host Jim Dudley to shed light on the proactive measures and support systems necessary to ensure the well-being of those who protect and serve. Chief Norris and Chaplain Altic share their extensive experiences in handling critical incident aftermaths and emphasize the importance of preemptive strategies for mental wellness. From establishing peer support programs and chaplaincy initiatives to leveraging technology and community resources, our guests offer a comprehensive overview of how agencies can build a supportive environment for their officers. About our sponsor Th