Understanding Christianity

1689 Baptist Confession: Christ the Mediator Part ONE



Dr. Sean Cole covers paragraphs 1 and 2 in Chapter 8 on Christ the Mediator. What does it mean that Jesus is our Prophet, Priest, and King? He also focuses on five absolutely essential truths from paragraph 2 that teach the nature and person of Christ. (1) Jesus is the eternal Son of God, (3) Jesus was born of a virgin, (3) Jesus came in the flesh as fully man. (4) Jesus never once sinned in thought, word, and deed, and (5) Jesus was one person with two natures--human and divine. He is truly man and truly God. He also addresses two heresies that deny the truth about Christ. Check out Sean's two books: 40 Days in Philippians: Finding Joy in Jesus https://g3min.org/shop/books/g3press/40-days-in-philippians-finding-joy-in-jesus-sean-cole/ Your Identity in the Trinity: Discovering God's Grace in the Gospel https://www.amazon.com/Your-Identity-Trinity-Discovering-Gospel/dp/153267385X/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.KIeKb-Q5beNqevUYicehf7XYgmQPS6Lk2f5ooq2qfKLw__5j4XwDuivd