School Of Movies

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Season 2)



[School of Everything Else 2024] The conclusion (for now) to this series of shows on the triumphant return of Star Trek. Season 2 slaloms between unsettling and dark episodes which would feel more at home in Discovery if they weren't so personal to the characters in this rich ensemble... and some of the most hilarious, touching, light-hearted yet heart-breaking downtime episodes which highlight the comedy strengths and the charisma of everyone in the crew. It's bumpy, but so worth the journey. Kaoru's recommended episodes of the original 1966 series, AND the redheaded stepchild of Star Trek, the much maligned Enterprise series which ran for 98 episodes from 2001-2005. TOS S1-24: Space Seed TOS S2-7: Wolf in the Fold ENTERPRISE S4-4 to 6: Borderland/Cold Station 12/The Augments Chris' Suggestion: The Orville - Season 2 Debbie's Suggestion: Talistheintrovert on YouTube with her presentation "PSYCH the best Sherlock Holmes adaptation in existence". Jesse's Book Pick: This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-