Mark Levin Audio Rewind

The Best Of Mark Levin - 3/2/24



This week on the Mark Levin Show, if Donald Trump loses the 2024 election, it won't be because the Republican Party is divided, but because the leftist media and Democrat party joined with the Wall Street Journal and others in sabotaging his campaign. Later, there are no more excuses for President Biden or the Democrat party and their open border, who have blood on their hands by allowing crime to pour into our country and human slavery on our southern border. The Supreme Court set an April date to hear arguments on whether Donald Trump has immunity for official acts after he left office. The media sets it up differently – “Supreme Court sets April arguments over whether Trump can be prosecuted for election interference.” The AP headline already convicts Trump, they decided he’s guilty of election interference. There hasn’t been such a stark difference between people in America since the Civil War. We have a Democrat party that wants to change the citizenry, turn our Capitalist economic system into a Marxist