Blunt Talk

2048. Extra size.



Episode 2048. Extra size. Featuring a cover of Tears of Gold by Violet King. More tries, more size multiplies. Here's the multiple meanings. Reps, strength, smarts, guts, balls, mush, lies, alibies. The more and more tries that you invest into these things, the more the size of them multiplies. There's a direct connection between more tries and more size multiplication. Keep trying, keep multiplying. Hopefully you're multiplying that which makes you stronger and smarts, not that which makes you dumber and weaker. Blunt Talk Podcast is guaranteed TO LIFT. X Fitness is committed to lifting in body, mind, and soul. There is enough depressing news. We won't add to it. Good Inspirational News Only. Free, permanently archived downloads compliments of X Fitness. Blessings & all good things. #peace