Oasis Church Birmingham: Talks

5. The Secret of Success - Adrian Hurst



What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s life is pointing to even in his flaws and failures, the true King, Jesus, really is enough. This week, Adrian looks at 'the secret to success', which, as it turns out, is actually nothing to do with success at all! Together, the invitation is to consider three characters and three attributes in the story: Jonathan and his celebration in others, Saul and his heart that constantly compares, and David and his humility, and to see how the truth that Jesus changes everything upends the way in which we are to treat our own success and the success of others.