Exercise Is Health

E325 - How To Build Stronger Feet



Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Feet Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services How often do you work on strengthening your feet? While people often think about building stronger legs, a stronger core, and stronger arms, rarely is building stronger feet prioritized. What this is leading to is people’s feet are often the weakest area of their body, and the most dysfunctional, as well. However, with some simple strategies, you can start building stronger feet today! On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving into what these strategies are and how to implement them in your workout routine. If your feet have ever given you issues like pain, tightness, or fatigue, that is a sign that they likely are not strong enough for what you are wanting to use them for. But, once you start implementing the steps we teach you, all of that can change. Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Ready to schedule your first