Doctor Thyroid

The Dangers of Thyroid Ablation and its Rapid Adoption



As the medical community swiftly embraces thyroid ablation, a groundbreaking non-surgical treatment for thyroid nodules, concerns arise about the potential risks associated with its rapid adoption. Key among these concerns is the lack of ultrasound expertise among practitioners and the contentious decision to treat nodules that may be too small to warrant intervention. This article delves into the insights of Dr. Jagdish Dhingra, a seasoned thyroid surgeon, who highlights the crucial balance between leveraging medical innovations and ensuring patient safety through skilled application and judicious treatment decisions. In the rapidly evolving field of medical treatments, thyroid ablation stands out as a significant advancement, offering a non-surgical option for patients with thyroid nodules. However, the quick adoption of this technique across the United States has raised concerns among experts about its application and the potential risks involved. In a recent interview on the RFAMD podcast, hosted by Phili