
10contra1 12x06: Theyrgy, Exit Strategies (2020)



Chicago, Illinois-based THEYRGY presents their debut EP, Exit Strategies. The record is confirmed for release in August via newly formed label, Dead Sage. THEYRGY was formed in February 2018 by John Doyle (I Decline,13 Flowers), John E. Bomher (Yakuza, Iklatus), Michael Fabiano, and Tony Hooper. Drawing inspiration from post-punk, industrial, and shoegaze artists, the band’s music aims to radiate light from within the dark spaces resonating inside and outside the listener. The map is not the territory. We’re done with living in the false structures that steal us from ourselves and our community, and funnels us into a bloated, mediocre, and unrealized life. By embracing and channeling the underlying chaos that is denied existence in the world, we find the nourishment we need to grow and live meaningful human lives. Our music is our contribution to the re-enchantment of the world. One improvisational session led to the backbone of songs on the band’s forthcoming EP, Exit Strategies. These