Crit! Ràdio

CRIT! Ràdio #185 [2021-04-21]



1. Fresh - My Redemption Arc 2. Girl In Red - You Stupid Bitch 3. UV-TV - Back To Nowhere 4. Wolf Alice - Smile 5. Illuminati Hotties - Mmmoooaaaaayaya 6. Dharmacide - Breezing 7. The Murlocs - Francesca 8. Joan Colomo - Canco Animada 9. Feet - Peace & Quiet 10. Sindy - Real Tennis 11. Ventrelles - Call Of The Morning 12. A Place To Bury Strangers - End Of The Night 13. Hard Copy - Big Poppy 14. Rosie Tucker - Barbara Ann 15. The Scientists - Outsider 16. El Diablo De Shanghai - Laura 17. The Goa Express - Second Time