New Rules Podcast

E43: Decoding Your Decisions: Do you have a Decision Making Framework?



Decisions are what drives our life in any direction, whether positive or negative.   We are often taught to ‘make better decisions’ in life, health, business, and beyond. However, if we don’t know what drives our decisions, how can we steer ourselves in the right direction when emotions are high?    In this episode, Adrian and Bri talk through what it costs to evaluate, understand, and apply emotional intelligence around healthy decision-making.    We’ll Discuss: How your ego will cause you to make bad decisions Adrian talks excessive spending out of insecurity  We aren’t aware of how we come to a decision There is no ‘process’ to make decisions in the current world Why we make decisions out of insecurity in our status Why it’s important to slow down and not make decisions based on other people’s anxieties. How you lead when those you empower are having a ‘bad day’ vs bad ‘series of days’ The difference between making ‘intuitive’ decisions and decisions based on ‘data’ Why you need to step o