Business Game Changers

How they are using Geoengineering as a Weapon of War w/ James Lee



James Lee, one of the world's top experts on geoengineering, joins the program to explain what is actually going on. Listeners may be surprised to learn how many chemicals are being dumped on all of us, our farmland, and our forests, nonstop. We discuss how it can and is being used as a weapon of war and why it's important for it to stop. You can follow James Lee on his websites at or   Links mentioned in the show: Learn more how you can convert your IRA or buy precious metals by emailing - tell them ‘Sarah sent me” and get the best service and prices in the country. Remove Heavy Metals including Graphene Oxide and Plastics at Learn more about Leela’s Quantum Tech at or at Help rebuild America and your independence - learn more at Consider subscribing: Follow on Twitter @Sarah_Wes