Tom Rowland Podcast

The Jansick Special - Tie it! Test it!! | H2T | Episode #874



Get your FREE Knot Guide here! — The Jansik Special is a popular fishing knot used for tying a hook or lure to a fishing line. It's known for its simplicity and strength, making it a favorite among anglers. Here's how to tie the Jansik Special: 1)Pass Line Through Eye: Begin by passing the end of the fishing line through the eye of the hook or lure. 2) Create a Loop: Form a small loop by bringing the tag end of the line back towards the standing line, leaving a small amount of tag end sticking out. 3) Wrap Around Both Lines: Hold the loop with one hand and use the tag end to make 3 to 5 wraps around both the standing line and the loop. Ensure that the wraps are snug and closely spaced. 4) Pass Through Loop: After completing the wraps, pass the tag end through the loop formed at the base of the wraps. 5) Tighten: Carefully pull both the main line and the tag end simultaneously to cinch the knot down tightly against the eye of the hook or lure. 6) Trim Excess: Once the knot is tightened