Sound Coalitions By Christopher Foor

SOUND COALITIONS / Episode 23: Guest Mix featuring Hedda Stenberg



Hedda Stenberg is a full time DJ joining Sound Coalitions from Stockholm, Sweden. Hedda’s music comes to us simply from exploring SoundCloud and being curious about her profile. Once we took a listen to her mixes, our focus quickly noted the suave mixing, excellent track choice, and story telling quality that embodies her work on every set. We decided to reach out and learn more about the artist, and this is where Hedda’s kindness and tenacity to bring more women into the DJ scene became apparent. Over the last few years, Hedda has been part of PM Sessions, a Stockholm female collective that organized quality parties and promoted women into the DJ scene. She held a residency at club F12 in Stockholm where she assisted Aftermath Management with bookings and curating artists from across the city. Hedda is also a regular at the world renown Kvarteret where she has played alongside artists like DJ Tennis, Omar S., B. Traits, and DJ Seinfeld. Hedda is optimistic and engaged to make 2019 her best year yet and with