Smashboxxtv's Disc Golf Podcast

Luke Humphries - Episode 497



The podcast episode #497 from SmashboxxTV primarily discusses various topics related to the disc golf community, including reflections on recent tournaments, player performances, and updates from the disc golf world. Here's a quick TL;DR summary of the key points:1. **Disc Golf Pro Tour Elite Plus Event Recap**: They recap the Disc Golf Pro Tour Elite Plus event, mentioning the difficulty in announcing "DGPT plus" and the overall performance at the Waco event. They highlight the smooth operation of the event despite some information errors fed to the announcers during live coverage.2. **Guest Appearance**: Luke Humphries is mentioned as a guest who will join the podcast later to talk about the Waco event.3. **Other Tournament Highlights**: They cover results and notable performances from other tournaments like the Seneca Spring Fling and Palisade Awakening, discussing individual players such as Ryan Mahn, Martin Neece, Joe Revere, and others.This episode provides a blend of humor, serious discussion on disc g