Just Joshing Podcast

Episode 1046: Just Joshing Episode 1046: Keight Leighn



#theatreofmagick #podcasts #interviewsKeight Leighn joins the podcast.  This amazing actress, producer and creative genius behind the theatre of magick and I talk about systems of community and governance, as we talk systems today, and community and unity in the future. We wax philosophy about the end of our current civilization, living in small towns, the tower of babel, the importance of variety and diversity. Plus we talk about her work. Keight was a lot of fun. Take a listen.Keight LeighnInstagramTheatre of Magick IMDBSponsorsDreamlands: Worldwakers - What is real? What can be made real? It’s all at the other side of the story.Embark on an epic journey with DREAMLANDS: WorldWalkers! Immerse yourself in a world where reality and fantasy intertwine. Follow the legendary Dragon warrior, TiqToqTa , as he carves his way through conquest and deceit.Crafted by Stelios Pliatsikas and Thanos Kyratzis, this 96-pages action-packed dark fantasy graphic novel is the third part of the DREAMLANDS saga. Perfect for fans