Cube Critics

Cube Critics argue about ‘Airbender’ on Netflix



Cube Critics Jacob Aloi and Kyra Miles disagree about Netflix’s live-action “Avatar: The Last Airbender.”The following is a transcription of the audio heard using the player above, lightly edited for clarity.Click here.MPR News reporter Jacob Aloi: You can say “half-assed,” “you can say “kick-ass,” you can say “worked my ass off,” you just can’t say [BEEP] like, or refer to your [BEEP]. And with that, my name is Jacob Aloi. MPR early education reporter Kyra Miles: And I’m Kyra Miles.Aloi: And this is Cube Critics.So Kyra Miles, thank you for coming back on Cube Critics. This week we both watched the live-action adaptation of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” on Netflix. It’s adapted from the beloved animated series of the same name, which tells the story of Aang, The Last Airbender, who is picked as this mystical sort-of shaman sort-of otherworldly being called The Avatar, who is destined to save the world from being overtaken by the Fire Nation. Miles: Boo!Aloi: Yes, boo the Fire Nation, they are an imperial Forc