Quantum Business Insights With Olivia Parr-rud

Polarity Management: Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems with Barry Johnson



Have you ever pursued a strategy only to get derailed by some unforeseen consequence of that strategy? The underlying cause goes by many names: Paradox, Tensions, Polarity, Yin and Yang, Interdependent Pairs, etc.. Whatever you call it, every action taken by your organization is vulnerable to the effect of ignoring or underestimating the negative effects of that action. Tune in and learn how to unveil, understand, and model the dynamics of Polarity. We’ll explore the underlying phenomenon that behaves in predictable ways. We’ll describe how to build a Polarity Map® and set of “realities” that represent the latest research in the area. The more we understand the elements of this phenomenon and the dynamics by which it functions, the more effective we can be at leveraging its energy. This leveraging can support us in pursuing our most expansive dreams and addressing our most chronic issues –as individuals, families, organizations, nations, and humanity. www.polaritypartnerships.com