Quantum Business Insights With Olivia Parr-rud

Special Encore Presentation: Conscious Evolution with Barbara Marx Hubbard



Would you like to live in a more sustainable, connected, and peaceful world? Do you feel that business has a role in creating this future? Are you drawn to business models that create synergy and mutual benefit for business, society, and the globe? Tune in and learn how the leading pioneer of conscious evolution, Barbara Marx Hubbard, has spent her life building a vision for a positive future. Hear Barbara share her story - as a young child, she questioned how our powers of destruction could be used for good. Today she asks how our technological advances in biotech, nanotech, nuclear, etc. can be used to create positive outcomes. Gain insights from her vision as we evolve as humans. Learn about her model for the future – The Wheel of Cocreation – social synergy and whole system shift. Be inspired by Barbara and others who are showing the way – that it’s possible to do well by doing good! www.evolve.org