Paint Ed Podcast

Ask Us Anything Vehicle Purchases, Credit Card Fees, And More: Elite Business Advice



It’s been a bit since we did an Ask Us Anything, so we wanted to catch up on our list of your questions! In this episode we cover: o Vehicle Purchases – Business vs. Personally o Best Ways to Capture Before/After Pictures o When to Expand into a New Service/Division o How to Handle Credit Card Processing Fees o What a Referral Bonus Incentive Looks Like Have a question you’d like covered on our next AUA Episode? Email Chris at! Looking for someone to help you navigate your business here in 2024? Schedule a free business analysis meeting with us at! Find More Episodes on PCA Overdrive: PCA Overdrive is free for members. Not a member? Download the app on the Apple Store or Google Play and enjoy a 7 day free trial! Become a member: