Go For It!

Is Stress Making You Fat?



Jo Hausman interviews Donna Krech who is an award winning entrepreneur and has 30+ years of building multi million dollar companies in the wellness, weight loss and fitness industries. One of her six companies gained recognition from Oprah’s Oxygen Network and NBC’s Biggest Loser Donna decided years ago that enough was enough when it came to stress, health and eating. She began her career without enough money to feed her child, worked tirelessly to find a fix for the 97% failure rate that comes with weight loss plan, was told that, due to stress, she was facing death and spent years overwhelmed by the time-consuming, labor-intensive business models she’d been told were ‘normal’. She came up with a system that provided the solution for all 4. Her business system is Wealth to Wellness and she wants to help you too! Don't let Stress make you fat anymore!