Your Mileage May Vary

Dinner's Ready! Clit Sizes, Cam Roulette, Genital Perfumes, Pushy Head



It's always a difficult situation for a woman when she's pleasuring a man orally and he starts to get a bit too pushy. But here we discuss a young lady who was surprised by the act and unable to control the depth of penetration at all. What are some techniques for managing this? If she bites him, will she really get punched? What's the best way for a woman to "freshen up" before welcoming a man between her legs? Obviously a shower is likely to be the gold-standard solution. But let's say that's not available. What are the best substitutes? And, what's the right response by a man to a truly unusual fetish revealed by his female partner? Can a fetish be so extreme that it must have been invented purely to end the relationship? We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week: