Clarity On Fire

What happens when you work against your Passion Profile with Joanna Platt



I was on the phone recently with my and Kristen’s friend Joanna (who’s appeared on the podcast a time or two before!), who was telling me about exhausted and demoralized she’s been about her career lately.    Joanna’s Passion Profile is Collaborator, which means the thing she values above everything else is connection and, well, collaboration. Except she’s been trying for 5 years to run a business … by herself.    It became clear as we were talking that her career woes are almost certainly a result of working out of alignment with her Passion Profile for so long.   Before we hung up she said, “If you ever want me to come on the podcast to talk about this, I totally would!” And hey, I’m not one to turn down a good guest!    So, listen in to this month’s brand-new episode with a normal person, where Joanna and I get into:    How she got tunnel vision around her career, and blocked out signs that the path she was going down might not be right for her Why having the freedom to whatever she wanted, whenever she w