Startup Focus With Game-changers, Presented By Sap

Startups and High Tech: A Distinct Advantage



Today’s buzz: High-Tech. With technology innovations transforming nearly every facet of business, companies must assimilate quickly or be left behind. Startups, as streamlined organizations, have the advantage of being well-positioned to adopt and scale high-tech. But they must carefully choose which innovations to adopt and then which to supply. What impact is high-tech having on the startup community and which proficiencies should investors expect before funding them? The experts speak. Lamar Williams, Precogs: “Hold fast to your dreams, for without them life is a broken bird that cannot fly” (Langston Hughes). Arun Prasad, 1-Enterprise: “Data is not information, information is not knowledge, knowledge is not understanding, understanding is not wisdom” (Clifford Stoll). Faraz Hoodbhoy, AT&T: “Innovating at scale is lot harder than it looks. At our scale, we need to build a new Fortune 500 company or two every year.” Join us for Startups and High-Tech: A Distinct Advantage.