Law Enforcement Today Podcast

US History's Worst Mass Killing, Las Vegas, His Police Career.



US History's Worst Mass Killing, Las Vegas, His Police Career. A seasoned Police Officer with a dedicated career in Nevada, found himself thrust into the heart of history's worst mass killing on American soil. The Mandalay Bay massacre in Las Vegas, Nevada, etched a permanent scar upon his psyche and the collective consciousness of the nation. Off duty, Allyn Goodrich responded to the harrowing call for assistance that fateful October night. The chaos and carnage that awaited him at the Route 91 Harvest music festival defied comprehension. The relentless barrage of gunfire, the screams of the wounded, and the pall of death hung heavy in the air. US History's Worst Mass Killing, Las Vegas, His Police Career. As he joined the ranks of law enforcement converging on the scene, Goodrich faced a grim reality. The scale of the tragedy was staggering – sixty lives lost, hundreds more wounded, and countless souls forever scarred by the senseless violence unleashed by a lone gunman perched high in the Mandalay Bay hote