Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Most Evil Serial Killer, Defense Attorney's Truths and Lessons Learned



Most Evil Serial Killer, Defense Attorney's Truths and Lessons Learned. She defended one of America's most notorious serial killers, John Wayne Gacy, in this riveting interview she talks of self-discovery, professional evolution, and the confrontation of humanity's darkest depths. Gacy's notoriety stems from his monstrous acts, including the rape, torture, and murder of at least 33 young men and boys, casting a chilling shadow over the American legal landscape. Fourteen years post-conviction, fate thrust Conti, then a young attorney, into the daunting role of navigating Gacy's final death row appeals, a pivotal moment in her career. Most Evil Serial Killer, Defense Attorney's Truths and Lessons Learned. Karen Conti is our guest on the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast. Conti reflects on her tumultuous journey representing Gacy, offering a glimpse into the whirlwind of legal and media frenzy surrounding the case. Through intimate dialogues with her unsettling client, she delves deep into the enigmati