Rocky Mountain Christian Church

Who Is Jesus: I Am The Good Shepherd | March 3, 2024 - Shan Moyers



We explore the unexpected yet profound concept of leadership through the lens of shepherding, drawing inspiration from both personal anecdotes and biblical narratives. Starting with childhood aspirations and the societal norms of Jesus' time, we delve into the Scriptural significance of shepherds, noting how figures like David and Moses, esteemed leaders of Israel, emerged from this seemingly lowly occupation. The narrative unfolds with a personal reflection on leadership aspirations, emphasizing that true leadership extends beyond titles and positions. The central theme revolves around Jesus as the Good Shepherd, challenging conventional notions of leadership and revealing three timeless principles: knowing your sheep, sacrificing for them, and actively improving their lives. The speaker draws powerful parallels between the qualities of a good shepherd and effective leadership, offering a thought-provoking analysis that encourages introspection. The conclusion poses three compelling tests for evaluating