Christ Chapel Audio Podcasts

Return and I Will Heal You



It is not only the world that has lost its way, but also many who once walked with the Lord. At one time they knew his voice, loved his word, and lived for his glory....(but now) they have devolved into enlightment, wokeness, lovers of the world, pleasure and sin; even disdaining the years that they walked with him. And others who were assaulted by life, sorrow, pain and disappointment and used that as an occasion to turn from the Lord that they once loved and served so well.....And there are others whose drift turned into distance and they aren't really sure when or how they left; but they are a long distance aways from the Fathers House, But what ever the case, i know two things. Backsliding is a real thing; but to the one who turns back to God, His grace is an even GREATER thing.