Leaving Laodicea

589 - The God-Ordained Way to Increase Your Faith



Just Get Out of the Boat! In almost every area of life, when we commit to a plan of self-improvement, we expect to spend time, incur costs, and suffer strain during the process. It just comes with the territory. Whether we decide to get in shape and eat healthier, or go back to school and change careers— everyone seems to follow the same pattern of sacrifice that defines our struggle, and they seldom complain about it. And when we have achieved our goal, we look back at the sacrifice as a badge of honor, something we are proud of.Each of us embraces this journey of sacrificing our time, effort, costs, and strain in every area of life except the spiritual. For some reason, when it comes to our relationship with God or our desire for more faith, we must think it comes by osmosis to passive observers because many of us refuse to put in the time required or count the costs to achieve the results. Therefore, we really shouldn’t be surprised when nothing changes, and we’re the same as