Living Free In Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Episode 18: Planning the Spring Garden



With a fresh year in front of us, I thought we could take some time today to review a strategy for planning your spring garden. We will also talk about three minor changes you can make this week to set yourself up for a great year. It’s a great time to tap into your perception of a fresh start to change just one thing. We often underestimate the power of how a few small changes can have a long term impact for the better for us, our families and those around us. What mother nature is providing Water and snow (Duck Story) Oyster Mushrooms - frozen solid Stinging Nettle Carrots! Tales from the Prepper Pantry The weekly squash - week 3:  Sauteed Spaghetti Squash Olive oil, garlic, basil --- add parmesan and salt at the end. Using left overs - Venison Stroganoff: 1 onion, 2 cloves garlic, 3 cups diced fresh mushrooms, flour, oil/fat, white wine, milk, cream (or stock and sour cream) Cow Update - It fit! And we had the easiest processing ever - here is what we did Cabbage and grated sweet potato salad - tastes g