Living Free In Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Episode 28: Why Build Resilience in Your Life



Today we will talk about how important it is to build flexibility into your life because it helps make you more resilient when things change. We will also talk about what has happened since we started getting serious about the egg and coffee business, cover how the paper is doing and I will share with you a bit about how the Grafting workshop went over at Cider Hollow. Eating Seasonally and Tales from the Prepper Pantry This is where we share what we are eating as it comes to us - and talk about ways to use what we store. Wild Mustard, watercress, dandelion greens Baby kale from the super kale plant From the pantry: there is half a box of potatoes left and we are par boiling them, then making hash browns about once a day! Corn and green beans on salads as usual Hitting the pickled goods hard. Forgot to can the extra pork stock from the shoulder roast so here is what we did... Getting the Gardens Ready Where we share what we are doing to get our food growing operation up and running. Operation Eyesore Trans