Living Free In Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Episode 30: Wild Forage Nutrition



We’ve gotten lots of feedback n that episode from folks who wanted to go to that workshop and have never been able to. It got me to thinking. What if we do a homesteading workshop right here this coming September? In former years, we have had one or two orientations followed by lots of raucous camping fun, but wouldn’t it be fun to do something that allows us all to share best practices from Tennessee on what we are best at? Deal: Cider Hollow wants to offer 5% off their bare root trees and comfrey. Get 'em while you still can! Eating Seasonally and Tales from the Prepper Pantry This is where we share what we are eating as it comes to us - and talk about ways to use what we store Wild Mustard, watercress, dandelion roots, hairy vetch From the pantry: garlic and onions are gone so we are depending on wild garlic chives and early green onions from the garden Watercress is almost done for the season, though we have another cold snap on the way which may give us a reset The season of tea is almost here: Bee balm