Living Free In Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Episode 47: A Colorful Way to Express Your Homestead Journey - Homesteadoji



Today, I am joined by Whitney and John Athayde to tell us about a project they built together: This colorful set of emojis for iPhone tell the day to day story of a homesteader, from "Fox in my coop" to "goat kicked over the milk bucket." Eating Seasonally and Tales from the Prepper Pantry This is where we share what we are eating as it comes to us - and talk about ways to use what we store. Corn corn corn corn corn corn Round 2 of green beans is almost here Tomatoes still trickling in SWEET POTATO GREENS Watercress is back in force and other fall wild edibles should be coming on soon Recipe of the week will be Bacon Cinnamon rolls, and here is why What we are preserving this week Where we share what we are preserving for winter storage Sauerkraut Elderberries Lemon Balm Might can corn Garden Economics project Seeds have germinated, so I pulled back the straw to let them get bigger Found two volunteer tomatoes - these are the best kind. Resources:  Ne